Scientific Publications Database

Article Title: Acute Kidney Injury Due to Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Authors: Abou Arkoub, Rima; Xiao, Cheng Wei; Claman, Paul; Clark, Edward G.
Date of Publication:2019
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a complication of assisted reproductive treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). The pathophysiology of severe OHSS includes a humorally mediated capillary leak syndrome that is predominantly centered on the intra-abdominal space. Severe OHSS is frequently complicated by acute kidney injury (AKI), which can be due to any of a variety of mechanisms, each requiring a different management strategy. Mechanisms of AKI in severe OHSS include intravascular volume depletion, kidney edema due to capillary leak, intra-abdominal hypertension or compartment syndrome, and obstructive uropathy due to ovarian enlargement. We present a teaching case of severe OHSS complicated by AKI in a woman with underlying stage 4 chronic kidney disease. She had been undergoing IVF with plans to subsequently use a gestational carrier (surrogate) for pregnancy. We use this case to review the presentation and pathophysiology of OHSS complicated by AKI. In addition, we review the management of AKI in OHSS, in particular, the role of paracentesis and/or culdocentesis to manage tense ascites. Last, we highlight that similar cases may occur more frequently in the future given that IVF with subsequent use of a gestational carrier is increasingly being used for patients with comorbid conditions that can be exacerbated by pregnancy, such as advanced chronic kidney disease.