The 4th Annual International Symposium on Advancing the Science
and Impact of Audit & Feedback

Amsterdam, Netherlands - May 23-24, 2019

Symposium Day - May 23, 2019

Plenary Sessions

What is Audit and Feedback?

What is audit and feedback?

 Optimising audit and feedback

Optimising audit and feedback using best practices: the NPS experience

European Healthcare Organizations Providing Audit and Feedback

Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD)

Netherlands Institute for Health
Services Research (NIVEL)

Health Quality Improvement Partnership

Dutch Institute for Clinical Audit

Workshop Sessions

Experiences of reducing opioid prescribing in UK primary care using enhanced feedback

If you build it…will they come?
Moving recipients from apathy to action

Optimizing the design of audit & feedback

Study designs for evaluating effectiveness of audit and feedback

Learning more from evaluations of audit & feedback in  multicenter studies

Science Day - May 24, 2019

Plenary & Parallel Sessions

Process Evaluations

Designing process evaluations of audit and feedback interventions

Campaign to reduce opioid prescribing process evaluation

Work in Progress

Toward a standard model of feedback report and dashboard content

Theoretical propositions related to audit with feedback interventions

Economic value of clinical decision support allied to direct data feedback to clinicians:
blood usage in hematology

Early Career Researchers & Trainees

Co-design of audit and feedback and
organizational use of audit and feedback

Describing and enhancing audit and feedback in hospital dementia care

Embedding Research in Service Settings

Commissioner perspectives on embedding research within national clinical audit programmes

Embedding research within national audit programmes