Christian Vaillancourt profile picture

Contact Information

Christian Vaillancourt, MD, MSc, FRCPC, CSPQ
613-798-5555 Ext. 17012

Senior Clinical Research Associate:
Manya Charette
Tel: 613-798-5555
Ext. 17758

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Selected Publications

Vaillancourt C., Stiell I.G., Wells G.A.: Understanding and Improving Low Bystander CPR Rates: A Systematic Review of the Literature. CJEM, 2008;10(1):51-65.

Vaillancourt C., Epstein N., Cheskes S., Maloney J., Stiell I.G., Christenson J., Affleck A., Travers A.H., Osmond M.H., Forgie P., Slenys J.: CAEP Position Statement on Bystander Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CJEM, 2011;13(5):339-346.

Christenson, J., Andrusiek D., Everson-Stewart S., Kudenchuk P., Hosler D., Powell J., Callaway C.W., Bishop D., Vaillancourt C., Davis D., Aufderheide T.P., Idris A., Stouffer J., Stiell I.G., Berg R., and the ROC investigators: Chest Compression Fraction Determines Survival in Patients with Out-of-hospital Ventricular Fibrillation. Circulation, 2009;120:1241-1247
[Top 10 paper for 2009 according to the National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]

Vaillancourt C., Emerson-Steward S., Christenson J., Andrusiek D., Powell J., Nichol G., Cheskes S., Aufderheide T.P., Berg R., Stiell I.G., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium Investigators.: The Impact of Increased Chest Compression Fraction on Return of Spontaneous Circulation for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients not in Ventricular Fibrillation. Resuscitation, 2011;82(12):1501-1507.

Stiell I.G., Nichol G., Leroux B.G., Rea T.D., Ornato J.P., Powell J., Christenson J., Callaway C.W., Kudenchuk P.J., Aufderheide T.P., Idris A.H., Daya M., Wang H.E., Morrison L.J., Davis D., Andrusiek D., Stephens S., Cheskes S., Schmicker R.H., Fowled R., Vaillancourt C., Hostler D., Zive D., Pirralle R.G., Vilke G., Sopko G., Weisfeldt M., and the Resuscitation Outcomes Comsortium (ROC) Investigators.: Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium ROC PRIMED Trial of Early Rhythm Analysis versus Later Analysis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. NEJM, 2011;365(9):787-797.

All Other Publications

Vaillancourt C., Stiell I.G., Maloney J., Anton A.R., Bradford P., Cain E., Travers A., Stempien M., Lees M., Munkley D., Beaudoin T., Battram E., Banek J., Wells G.A., for the EMS C-Spine Study Group: The Prehospital Validation of the Canadian C-Spine Rule by Paramedics. Ann Emerg Med, 2009;54(5):663-671
[Top 10 paper for 2009, National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians]
[Among 25 papers most often downloaded from Ann Emerg Med website for > 6 months]
[Results covered by Reuters Health - The Doctor's Channel Daily Newscast]

Vaillancourt C., Verma A., Trickett J., Crete D., Beaudoin T., Nesbitt L., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Evaluating the effectiveness of dispatch-assisted CPR instructions. Acad Emerg Med, 2007;14(10): 877-883.

Vaillancourt C., Charette M.: In adult and pediatric patients with cardiac arrest (prehospital [OHCA]) (P), does the description of any specific symptoms to the dispatcher (I) compared with the absence of any specific description (C), improve accuracy of the diagnosis of cardiac arrest (O)? C2010 Consensus on science with treatment recommendation; peer-reviewed by the International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation (ILCOR). 19 pages. Available electronically at:, and Published within: Sayer M.R., Koster R.W., Botha M., Cave D.M., Cudnik M.T., Handley A.J., Hatanaka T., Hazinski M.F., Jacobs I., Monsieurs K., Morley P.T., Nolan J.P., Travers A.H., and Adult Basic Life Support Chapter Collaborators: Part 5: Adult basic life support: 2010 International consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations. Circulation, 2010;122(16)S2: s298-324.

Jensen J., Vaillancourt C., Tweedle J., Kasaboski A., Charette M., Grimshaw J., Brehaut J., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G.: Factors associated with the successful recognition of abnormal breathing and cardiac arrest by ambulance communications officers: A Qualitative Iterative Survey. Prehosp Emerg Care, 2012 Oct;16(4):443-50

Vaillancourt C., Kasaboski A., Charette M., Islam R., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G., Brehaut J.C., Grimshaw J.M : Barriers and Facilitators to CPR Training and Performing CPR in an
Older Population Most Likely to Witness Cardiac Arrest: A National Survey. Resuscitation, 2013 Dec.; 84(12):1747-1752.

Vaillancourt C., Charette M., Kasaboski A., Brehaut J.C., Osmond M., Wells G.A., Stiell I.G., Grimshaw J.: Factors Associated with Successful CPR Knowledge Transfer in an Older Population Most Likely to Witness Cardiac Arrest: A theory-informed interview approach. Emerg Med J, 2014 Sept.; 31(9):700-705. (doi:10.1136/emermed-2012-202192)

Listings from The Ottawa Hospital Library

This lists the 10 most recent publications in The Ottawa Hospital's Library database from this researcher.This database only starts tracking a researcher's publications once they start working at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

Dainty, K. N.; Seaton, M. B.; Cowan, K.; Laupacis, A.; Dorian, P.; Douma, M.; Garner, J.; Goldstein, J.; Shire, D.; Sinclair, D.; Thurlow, C.; Vaillancourt, C., 2021, Partnering with survivors & families to determine research priorities for adult out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: A James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership, RESUSCITATION PLUS, 7 ➤ view abstract

Kudenchuk, P. J.; Brown, S. P.; Daya, M.; Rea, T.; Nichol, G.; Morrison, L. J.; Leroux, B.; Vaillancourt, C.; Wittwer, L.; Callaway, C. W.; Christenson, J.; Egan, D.; Ornato, J. P.; Weisfeldt, M. L.; Stiell, I. G.; Idris, A. H.; Aufderheide, T. P.; Dunford, J. V.; Colella, M. R.; Vilke, G. M.; Brienza, A. M.; Desvigne-Nickens, P.; Gray, P. C.; Gray, R.; Seals, N.; Straight, R.; Dorian, P., 2016, Amiodarone, Lidocaine, or Placebo in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 374, 18, 1711-1722 ➤ view abstract

More publications may be available in The Ottawa Hospital Library database.

PubMed Listings

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