
Finding a fast, reliable test to see if a bleeding stroke is still bleeding

January 13, 2015

Intracerebral hemorrhages, or bleeding strokes, are common and deadly. In 2010-2011, nearly 1,350 Ontario patients suffered a bleeding stroke — 37% of these died in hospital. One-in-three victims who arrive at the Emergency Department are still bleeding, which is potentially treatable with blood clotting drugs, if recognized. However, these blood clotting drugs can harm people whose bleeding has already stopped. Drs. Dar Dowlatshahi and Santanu Chakraborty have received $160,000 from the Heart and Stroke Foundation to adapt and validate a technique their team is pioneering that essentially turns a CAT scan into a video to determine if the person's brain is still bleeding and at what rate. This diagnostic technique would help physicians quickly determine who is at greatest risk and what treatment options would be safest and most effective.

Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

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For further information, please contact

Paddy Moore
Communications and Public Relations
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Office: 613-737-8899 x73687
Cell: 613-323-5680