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Matthew McInnes, MD PhD FRCPC

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Matthew McInnes

Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, Radiology and Epidemiology
University of Ottawa

Research Interests

Dr. McInnes' current areas of research interest are Systematic Reviews and Diagnostic Test Accuracy in imaging.   He is the lead author of the PRISMA-DTA reporting guideline for systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy:

Dr. McInnes holds a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Amsterdam.  He is Deputy Editor for the ''Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging'' and the CARJ, and is an Associate Editor for ''Radiology''.  He is the chair of the ACR-Li-RADS evidence working group and a member of the ACR-Li-RADS steering group.  Dr. McInnes is a member of the STARD group, and the Cochrane Screening and Diagnostic Tests Group.

Google scholar profile for publication and citation information:

Brief Biography

Dr. McInnes completed his radiology training at the University of Toronto in 2006, followed by a 1 year clinical fellowship at the University Health Network at the University of Toronto in Abdominal Imaging. He is a Professor of Radiology and Epidemiology at the University of Ottawa and works as a Radiologist in the divisions of Abdominal and Chest radiology in the Department of Medical Imaging at the Ottawa Hospital.  He is a Scientist in the OHRI Clinical Epidemiology program.  He completed a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam (2018).

Selected Publications

First or Supervising Author Publications:

1. McInnes MDF, Moher D, Thombs B, McGrath TA, Bossuyt PMMB and the PRISMA-DTA group. Preferred reporting items for a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies: The PRISMA-DTA statement. JAMA 2018; 319(4):388-396.

2. McInnes MDF, Bossuyt PMM. Pitfalls of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses in Imaging Research. Radiology 2015; 277(1), 13-21.

3. Dehmoobad Sharifabadi A*; McGrath TA; Korevaar DA; McInnes MDF. Reporting bias in imaging: higher accuracy is linked to faster publication. European Radiology 2018; In Press.

4. Frank R*, McInnes MDF, Levine D, Jesurum J, Kressel H, Bossuyt PMM. Are study and journal characteristics reliable indicators of 'truth' in imaging research? Radiology 2017; epub Nov 27, 2017.

5. Hong JP*, Korevaar DA, McGrath TA, Ziai H, Frank R, Alabousi M, Bossuyt PMM, McInnes MDF. Reporting of Imaging Diagnostic Accuracy Studies with Focus on MRI subgroup: Adherence to STARD 2015. jMRI 2017; epub ahead of print June 22, 2017.

6. McGrath TA*, McInnes MDF, Leeflang M, van Es N, Korevaar DA, Bossuyt PMM. Overinterpretation of research findings: evidence of ‘spin’ in systematic
reviews of diagnostic accuracy studies. Clinical Chemistry 2017; epub ahead of print June 16, 2017.

Diseases, conditions and populations of interest

Research and clinical approaches