
Treatment while waiting for surgery for breast cancer - can it improve surgical outcomes?

June 23, 2021

Dr. Angel Arnaout. “If this treatment can rapidly reduce a patient’s cancer cell burden between diagnosis and surgery that would be very exciting," -Dr. Angel Arnaout.Drs. Angel Arnaout and Arif Awan are leading a clinical trial to determine if an experimental treatment can slow down the growth and spread of early stage breast cancer while activating the patient’s immune system before surgery. The experimental treatment, developed by Intensity Therapeutics Inc., is injected directly into the tumour and uses a novel mechanism to get inside cancer cells. 

“There currently is no drug treatment available in the early presurgical setting with the ability to kill a tumour rapidly,” said Dr. Arnaout. “If this treatment can rapidly reduce a patient’s cancer cell burden between diagnosis and surgery that would be very exciting, and could offer clinical benefits during the anxious waiting period before surgery.” 

The phase II Ottawa trial will enroll up to 60 patients with early stage breast cancer. Two thirds of patients will be randomized to receive three doses of the treatment after their cancer diagnosis, while the rest will receive standard care. A collaboration with the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research will allow analysis of tumour and host immune responses and potential biomarkers. 

See for details. Ottawa residents interested in participating should speak to their surgeon.

The Ottawa Hospital is a leading academic health, research and learning hospital proudly affiliated with the University of Ottawa and supported by The Ottawa Hospital Foundation. 

Media Contact
Amelia Buchanan
Senior Communication Specialist
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Disease and research area tags: Breast cancer, Cancer, Clinical trials

Scientific Program tags: Cancer Research Program