Carolina Ilkow profile picture

Contact Information

Carolina Ilkow, PhD
613-737-8899 ext 75208

E-mail: and

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Lab Members

Young scientists are welcome to apply for a position as a master student, graduate student or post-doctoral fellow in the lab. A strong cancer biology and/or virology background is not required, whereas applicants should be willing to work hard in a collaborative environment.

Guidelines to apply as a Graduate Student at the University of Ottawa: Post-doctoral fellows are strongly encouraged to obtain independent funding during their first year of work in the lab.

Applications should include a resume and a short statement of research interest, clearly describing why the applicant wants to join the lab. At least two references should be sent independently to Dr. Carolina Ilkow (

Current Members

current member
Ricardo Marius
Senior Research Technician
current member
Kemal Alper Onsu
Research Technician
current member
Priya Bharadwa
Grad Student (MSc.)
current member
Timothy Lee
Grad Student (MSc.)