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Contact Information

Gonzalo G Alvarez, MD, MPH, FRCPC
(613)737-8899 ext. 79294


ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1562-5305


Selected Publications

  • Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to describe the transmission dynamics among Inuit residing in Iqaluit Nunavut using whole genome sequencing, Alvarez GG, Zwerling AA, Duncan C, Pease C, Van Dyk D, Behr MA, Lee RS, Mulpuru S, Pakhale S, Cameron DW, Aaron SD, Patterson M, Allen J, Sullivan K, Jolly A, Sharma MK, Jamieson FB. Clinical Infectious Diseases. April 2020
  • The implementation of rifapentine and isoniazid (3HP) for the treatment of latent TB infection in two remote Arctic communities with a predominantly Inuit population, the Taima TB 3HP study, Alvarez GG, Van Dyk D, Mallick R, Lesperance S, Demaio P, Finn S, Edmunds-Potvin S, Patterson M, Pease C, Amaratunga K, Hui C, Cameron DW, Mulpuru S, Aaron SD, Momoli F, Zwerling A. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. April 2020.
  • The latent tuberculosis infection cascade of care in Iqaluit, Nunavut, 2012-2016, Pease C, Zwerling A, Mallick R, Patterson M, Demaio P, Finn S, Allen J, Van Dyk D, Alvarez GG. BMC Infect Dis. 19(1):890. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4557-3. PMID: 31651260. October 2019.
  • The potential impact and cost-effectiveness of tobacco reduction strategies for tuberculosis prevention in Canadian Inuit communities, N’Diaye DS, Nsengiyumva NP, Uppal A, Oxlade O, Alvarez GG, Schwartzman K. BMC Medicine. February 2019.
  • Social determinants of health among residential areas with a high tuberculosis incidence in a remote Inuit community, Kilabuk E, Momoli F, Mallick R, Van Dyk D, Pease C, Zwerling A, Edmunds-Potvin S, Alvarez GG. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.  Senior author, student first author. January 2019.
  • Cost-effectiveness of 3 months of weekly rifapentine and isoniazid in a Canadian arctic setting, Pease C, Alvarez GG, Mallick R, Patterson M, Habis Y, Schwartzman K, Kilabuk E, Mulpuru S, Zwerling A. BMJ Open. April 2021.
  • Latent tuberculosis infection cascade of care among adults in a low incidence country: a seven-year retrospective study, Sullivan K, Pease C, Zwerling A, Mallick R, Van Dyk D, Mulpuru S, Allen C, Alsdurf H, Alvarez GG. BMC Public Health. April 2021.
  • A systematic review of adverse events of rifapentine and isoniazid compared to other treatments for latent tuberculosis infection, Pease C, Hutton B, Yazdi F, Wolfe D, Hamel C, Barbeau P, Skidmore B, Alvarez GG. 
    Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 557-566. Senior author, student first author. June, 2018.
  • Determinants of tuberculosis trends in six Indigenous populations of the USA, Canada, and Greenland from 1960 to 2014: a population-based study, Dehghani K, Lan Z, Li P, Michelsen SW, Waites S, Benedetti A, Lejeune P, Torrie J, Robinson E, Vejvoda B, Mullah M, Redwood D, Cooper M, Fanning A, Yacoub W, Alvarez GG, Søborg B, Long R, Menzies. D. Lancet Public Health. 3(3):e133-e142. March, 2018.
  • Efficacy and completion rates of rifapentine and isoniazid (3HP) compared to other treatment regimens for latent tuberculosis infection: a systematic review with network meta-analyses, Pease C, Hutton B, Yazdi F, Wolfe D, Hamel C, Quach P, Skidmore B, Moher D, Alvarez GG. BMC Infectious Diseases 17:265. Senior author, student first author.  April, 2017.

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