Past Events & Presentations

Implementation Science Webinars - Canadian Patient Safety Institute

A series of interactive webinars designed to build capacity in the basic principles of knowledge translation and implementation science.

Introduction to Knowledge Translation and
Implementation Science

Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw & Dr. Justin Presseau

Knowledge Creation and Synthesis

Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw & Dr. Justin Presseau

Who needs to do what, differently, to promote implementation?

Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw & Dr. Justin Presseau

Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in theory
Part 1

Dr. Justin Presseau & Dr. Andrea Patey

Identifying barriers and enablers, and determinants, in theory
Part 2

Dr. Justin Presseau & Dr. Andrea Patey

Selecting strategies and techniques (KTIS)

Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw & Dr. Justin Presseau

Centre for Implementation Research Launch