Thursday, February 13, 2025 

    Cancer Therapeutics
    Chronic Disease
    Clinical Epidemiology
    Regenerative Medicine

Annotated Bibliography Decision Support Framework Patient Decision Aids
Clinical Decision Rules Education Modules Publications
Clinical Practice Tools Evaluation Measures Related Links
Patient Decision Aids

Decision aids are used as adjuncts to practitioners' counseling to prepare patients for decision making. They are interventions designed to help people make specific and deliberative choices among options by providing information on the options and outcomes relevant to the person’s health status. As part of the Cochrane Collaboration Systematic Review of Patient Decision Aids, we have identified several patient decision aids that can be found in the Cochrane Inventory of Existing Patient Decision Aids. (Excel File)

Decision Aids that are up-to-date, complete, and available are reviewed to create a detailed registry with a rating of their quality using pre-set evaluation criteria. This detailed registry can be found in the A to Z Global Inventory of Patient Decision Aids

For a copy of the guidelines for developing quality patient decision aids click here (.PDF format)

Detailed information about the decision aids developed using the Ottawa Decision Support Framework or by researchers associated with the Ottawa Health Decision Centre can be found below. This information includes details regarding the publication of the tool, its developers, sources of funding, potential users, delivery method, content and evaluation.

Blood transfusion in cardiac surgery

An electronic version of the blood transfusion decision aid and audiotext in both English and French can be found below.


PDF File
Breast cancer generic
This decision aid is available for sale as part of a binder of materials from the Ottawa Regional Women's Breast Health Centre. To download the order form please click here
PDF File
Breast cancer genetically susceptible: screening PDF File
Breast cancer prevention (tamoxifen)
An electronic version of the breast cancer decision aid and audiotext can be found below.
PDF File
Breast cancer surgery decision aid

The breast cancer decision is available on-line at the following site:
PDF File

Cardiovascular risk reduction (dyslipidemia)


PDF File
Colon cancer genetically susceptible: screening PDF File

COPD, end-stage, palliative/ICU

PDF File
Dementia: home/facility placement
An electronic version of the dementia: home/facility placement decision aid can be found below.
PDF File
Feeding tube placement

  • An interactive version of the Tube Feeding decision aid can be found here.
PDF File
Generic (any health decision) PDF File
Hepatitis C chemoprophylaxis PDF File
Lung cancer treatment, Stage IV

The lung cancer treatment decision is available by
calling, toll-free: 1-888-545 5972

PDF File
Osteoporosis treatment

To order a copy of the osteoporosis treatment options decision aid, call 1-888-240-7002 (toll-free) or 613-761-5499, or click here for a copy of our order form.

PDF File
Prenatal diagnostic testing PDF File
  Stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation PDF File
Thyroid cancer screening PDF File

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