Core Resources

The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute provides state-of-the-art core resources, in partnership with the University of Ottawa and The Ottawa Hospital. Please explore this web portal to learn how our unique resources can fuel world-class research in areas ranging from basic molecular biology to cell and virus manufacturing to clinical trials to epidemiological studies. You can also browse through a detailed list of our equipment and explore a broader list of core resources available through the University of Ottawa. Please note that core resources at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute are available for use by internal and external researchers.

Bioinformatics Facility
Provides analysis of high-throughput sequencing, data integration and network analysis.
Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre
Produces innovative therapeutics using cells, viruses and antibodies for human clinical trials and preclinical studies.
Centre for Journalology
Provides services and resources to help researchers publish their findings in a way that maximises usability and impact on health.
Clinical Research Lab
Central processing lab for biological samples obtained for subjects enrolled in clinical research studies.
High Content Imaging Core
Enables high and medium throughput study of cell biology in a single modular platform.
ICES uOttawa
Provides secure access to Ontario's population-based health surveys, anonymous patient records, and clinical and administrative databases.
Enables non-destructive visualization of virtual slices through objects.
Ottawa Methods Centre
Provides services to support clinical researchers at all stages of a study, from inception to implementation.
Proteomics Facility
Provides high-resolution, high-accuracy mass spectrometry services for protein identification and advanced proteomics projects.
High throughput genomics services including next generation sequencing, Sanger DNA Sequencing, and single cell transcriptome analysis.
Provides secure storage of biological samples in cryogenic (-196°C) freezers.
Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility
Provides high-precision cell sorting, facilitating the isolation of rare populations with high purity and yield.
Clinical Investigation Unit
Twelve-bed unit staffed with experienced research nurses who can conduct studies in all phases of drug development.
Hematology BioBank
Stores tissue samples from patients seen in the Division of Hematology for a variety of conditions, including various leukemias and lymphomas.
Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Facility
Provides resources and expertise on how to work with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).
Mass Cytometry Service
Provides state-of-the art CyToF instrument for high-parameter phenotyping assays and full support for mass cytometry projects from panel design to data analysis
Orthopaedics Biomechanics Facility
Provides state of the art equipment for destructive and non-destructive mechanical testing of biological tissues, engineering materials, medical devices, and implants.
Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board
Must review and approve all studies involving human participants, their data and their biological materials prior to the initiation of research activity at The Ottawa Hospital and University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
Contact: Amy Geertsma
Research Administration
Includes human resources, finance, grants, technology transfer, contracts, clinical research, communications and research safety.