First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health

Researchers at The Ottawa Hospital are working closely with First Nations, Inuit and Métis on research to improve health. Ottawa has the highest urban Inuit population in Canada and The Ottawa Hospital is the designated tertiary hospital for the Eastern sector of Nunavut.

This page includes selected news stories about research at The Ottawa Hospital involving First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Research News

Wastewater monitoring: research aims to enhance TB prevention and detection in Nunavut Wastewater monitoring: research aims to enhance TB prevention and detection in Nunavut
January 16, 2024 - A groundbreaking research study is being launched in Iqaluit to explore wastewater monitoring as a tool to detect and prevent the spread of tuberculosis (TB) in Nunavut.
Study fills knowledge gaps about surgery outcomes for Inuit in Canada Study fills knowledge gaps about surgery outcomes for Inuit in Canada
May 3, 2022 - A team of Canadian researchers, including Inuit and other Indigenous researchers, have published the first study of Inuit surgical outcomes today in CMAJ Open.
Research sets new standard for treating latent tuberculosis in Canada Research sets new standard for treating latent tuberculosis in Canada
March 24, 2022 - A transformational treatment for latent tuberculosis (TB) is now the standard of care in Canada, thanks to research led by The Ottawa Hospital. The Canadian Thoracic Society’s new Canadian TB Standards, released on March 24, 2022, recommend 3HP (rifa
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Name Scientific appointment Diseases, conditions and populations of interest Research and clinical approaches
Alvarez, Gonzalo
Senior Scientist
First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Infectious disease, Lung disease, Population health, Tuberculosis Clinical research, Epidemiology, Public health
Hatcher, Simon
Anxiety, Brain and neuromuscular disease, COVID-19, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health equity, Mental health, Traumatic brain injury, Depression, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Suicide Clinical research, Digital and mobile health, Health economics, Health professional behaviour change, Health research methods, Health services research, Health technology, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Patient engagement, Prevention, Public health, Qualitative methods, Clinical trials, Cluster randomized trials, Epidemiology, Psychology, Systematic reviews
Pakhale, Smita
MD, FRCPC, MSc (Epi & Biostat)
Senior Scientist
COVID-19, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health equity, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Lung disease, Sickle cell anemia Clinical research, Clinical trials, Cohort studies, Epidemiology, Health economics, Health promotion, Health services research, Patient engagement, Pragmatic trials, Public health, Quality Improvement
Ramsay, Timothy
Senior Scientist
Addiction, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Anxiety, Ataxia, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Bipolar, Brain and neuromuscular disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Colorectal cancer, Concussion, Cystic fibrosis, Dementia, Depression, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, HIV, Immigrant and refugee health, Influenza, Kidney disease, Lung cancer, Macular degeneration, Men's health, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Myasthenia gravis, Obesity, Ovarian cancer, Parkinson's, Pulmonary hypertension, Septic shock, Spinal cord injury Artificial intelligence and data science, Behaviour, Biomaterials, Biostatistics, Cell therapy, Clinical decision rules, Clinical research, Clinical trials, Cohort studies, Critical care, Drug development, Emergency medicine, Epidemiology, Health professional behaviour change, Health promotion, Health research methods, Health services research, Health technology, Immunization, Immunotherapy, Palliative care, Patient decision aids, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Prevention, Psychology, Psychometrics, Public health, Qualitative methods, Quality Improvement, Regenerative medicine, Rehabilitation, Risk assessment, Shared decision making, Surgery, Surveys, Systematic reviews, Transfusions, Translational research, Transplantation, Viral therapy


The following research publications are pulled from PubMed using the search terms "indigenous OR first nations OR inuit OR metis" and "Ottawa Hospital", with publication date of 2020 or later. More advanced search options are available. Note that PubMed is hosted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is only available in English.

The case for data sharing in traditional, complementary, and integrative medicine research.

Opportunities for tuberculosis elimination in the Canadian Arctic: cost-effectiveness of community-wide screening in a remote Arctic community.

Trends in Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Canada: Variation by Migration and Temporal Factors, 2001-2018.

Chronic respiratory disease in Indigenous peoples: a framework to address inequity and strengthen respiratory health and health care globally.

Gold standard research and evidence applied: The Inspire Nursing Leadership Program.

Knowledge, protective behaviours, and perception of Lyme disease in an area of emerging risk: results from a cross-sectional survey of adults in Ottawa, Ontario.

Assessing support for mental health policies among policy influencers and the general public in Alberta and Manitoba, Canada.

What guidance exists to support patient partner compensation practices? A scoping review of available policies and guidelines.

The Development of a Chest-Pain Protocol for Women Presenting to the Emergency Department.

HLA-haplotype redundancy and rareness in Canadian Blood Services' Stem Cell Registry and Cord Blood Bank: Novel metrics for optimizing utility.

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