
Research News

Stopping COVID-19 with behavioral science and artificial intelligence Stopping COVID-19 with behavioral science and artificial intelligence
June 8, 2020 - Dr. Justin Presseau and colleagues plan to use state-of-the-art behavioural science and artificial intelligence to develop an app that can help people reduce how much they touch their eyes, nose and mouth.
Engaging patients in research every step of the way Engaging patients in research every step of the way
November 28, 2018 - CMAJ's new supplement on engaging patients in health research features commentaries led by Drs. Dean Fergusson, Simon Hatcher and Christian Vaillancourt, as well as 14 other teams affiliated with Ontario’s SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU). As co-Scientific D
The cancer’s gone but the fear remains: psychology researchers tackle fear of cancer recurrence The cancer’s gone but the fear remains: psychology researchers tackle fear of cancer recurrence
August 16, 2018 - A pilot study by Drs. Christina Tomei, Sophie Lebel, Christine Maheu, Monique Lefebvre, and Cheryl Harris suggests that specialized psychological services could help cancer survivors manage their fear of cancer returning. While this is a realistic fe
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Name Scientific appointment Diseases, conditions and populations of interest Research and clinical approaches
Beaulac, Julie
Clinician Investigator
Clinical research, Health promotion, Health services research, Psychology, Shared decision making
Boet, Sylvain
Affiliate Investigator
COVID-19 Anesthesiology, Behaviour, Clinical trials, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Patient engagement, Psychology, Qualitative methods, Quality Improvement, Surgery, Systematic reviews, Translational research
Brehaut, Jamie
Senior Scientist
Behaviour, Health professional behaviour change, Health services research, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Patient decision aids, Patient engagement, Psychology, Psychometrics, Qualitative methods, Shared decision making, Surveys
Hatcher, Simon
Anxiety, Brain and neuromuscular disease, COVID-19, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, Health equity, Mental health, Traumatic brain injury, Depression, Health in disadvantaged peoples, Suicide Clinical research, Digital and mobile health, Health economics, Health professional behaviour change, Health research methods, Health services research, Health technology, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Patient engagement, Prevention, Public health, Qualitative methods, Clinical trials, Cluster randomized trials, Epidemiology, Psychology, Systematic reviews
MacPherson, Paul
Anxiety, Depression, Gay men's health, HIV, Infectious disease, Men's health, Sexually transmitted infections Behaviour, Cohort studies, Epidemiology, Health promotion, Health services research, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Prevention, Psychology, Qualitative methods, Surveys
Poulin, Patricia
C. Psych.
Associate Scientist
Addiction, Anxiety, Cancer, Chronic pain, Depression, Health equity, Musculoskeletal conditions, Pain Anesthesiology, Behaviour, Biomarkers, Clinical research, Clinical trials, Emergency medicine, Epidemiology, Health professional behaviour change, Health services research, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Palliative care, Patient decision aids, Patient safety, Peri-operative medicine, Pragmatic trials, Psychology, Qualitative methods, Quality Improvement, Systematic reviews
Presseau, Justin
Senior Scientist
Chronic pain, COVID-19, Diabetes, Health equity, Hepatitis C, Immigrant and refugee health, Inflammatory bowel syndrome, Retinal disease, Vision Artificial intelligence and data science, Health services research, Patient engagement, Psychometrics, Public health, Qualitative methods, Quality Improvement, Rapid reviews, Transfusions, Transplantation, Behaviour, Psychology, Health professional behaviour change, Knowledge translation and implementation research, Health promotion, Cluster randomized trials, Surveys
Ramsay, Timothy
Senior Scientist
Addiction, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Anxiety, Ataxia, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism, Bipolar, Brain and neuromuscular disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Colorectal cancer, Concussion, Cystic fibrosis, Dementia, Depression, First Nations, Inuit and Métis Health, HIV, Immigrant and refugee health, Influenza, Kidney disease, Lung cancer, Macular degeneration, Men's health, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy, Myasthenia gravis, Obesity, Ovarian cancer, Parkinson's, Pulmonary hypertension, Septic shock, Spinal cord injury Artificial intelligence and data science, Behaviour, Biomaterials, Biostatistics, Cell therapy, Clinical decision rules, Clinical research, Clinical trials, Cohort studies, Critical care, Drug development, Emergency medicine, Epidemiology, Health professional behaviour change, Health promotion, Health research methods, Health services research, Health technology, Immunization, Immunotherapy, Palliative care, Patient decision aids, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Prevention, Psychology, Psychometrics, Public health, Qualitative methods, Quality Improvement, Regenerative medicine, Rehabilitation, Risk assessment, Shared decision making, Surgery, Surveys, Systematic reviews, Transfusions, Translational research, Transplantation, Viral therapy
Walker, Lisa
PhD, C.Psych
Clinician Investigator
Anxiety, Autoimmune disease, Autoimmune diseases of the nervous system, Brain and neuromuscular disease, Dementia, Depression, Mental health, Multiple sclerosis Behaviour, Biomarkers, Clinical research, Exercise, Imaging, Psychology, Psychometrics, Rehabilitation, Stem cells, Systematic reviews, Translational research